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andrés ignacio torres

about me

Headshot of Andrés Ignacio Torres
It's me, hi!

Hi! Thanks for showing up! This page is still in development (hopefully not for long!).

Please, come back later to see the final version. In the meantime, you can check out the home page for pointers to my social media accounts.

i speak

programming languages & technologies




in english, it would be simpler: lingua franca. it's our second language, but we can get by. the possibility of finding a wider, more international, group of people with similar interests. but something is lost, isn't it?

en español, se siente más local (tanto en familiaridad como en potencial (y real) conexión con quienes están alrededor), lo podemos usar con más destreza, podemos jugar.

Inspired by compudanzas, I strive to make this website a bilingual experience. I'm a native Spanish speaker, but nowadays I mostly live in English.

To stay true to this dualism, I've decided to make an effort to create this website's content in both languages. While not all content will be translated (for example, most of my poems will only see light in their original language), I want the majority of this website to be an accesible place for both Spanish and English speakers.