about me

Hi, I'm Andrés!
I'm a Venezuelan software engineer based in Vancouver, Canada. I'm currently working as a Software Engineer at Microsoft Vancouver, as part of an engineering team focusing on monetization for SharePoint Online. I am also a writer of poetry and short fiction (mostly in Spanish but testing the waters in English too).
I love problem solving and I'm passionate about diving into new topics, learning new things, and sharing my knowledge with others. I'm passionate about software development, open source projects, digital humanities, literature, languages, social sciences, and a lot of other things.
i speak
- spanish
- english
- italian (beginner)
- french (beginner)
programming languages & technologies
- python
- c#
- typescript
- javascript
- php
- html
- css
- sql
- dart
- node.js
- git
- docker
- vs code
- visual studio
- mysql
- postgresql
- sqlite
- mongodb
- azure
- aws
- google cloud
- django
- flask
- wordpress
- express
- react
- flutter
a bit more about myself
I was born in Valencia, Venezuela, and moved to Caracas at 18, where I majored in Computer Engineering at Universidad Simón Bolívar. During my studies, I was involved in the university's student government in several roles, notably as the Student Representative to the University Board of Directors and as the President of the Computer Engineering Student Association.
During my time at University, I also got involved in the literary scene of Caracas, participating in poetry readings and workshops, and publishing some of my work in local and digital literary journals. I balanced this passion with my studies, where I focused on software engineering, database management, machine learning and compilers & programming language design.
In 2018, in parallel to my studies, I started working as a software engineer. I have worked in a variety of technical roles focusing on back-end development and dev ops for companies in Venezuela, Panama, the United States and Canada. I've worked with a variety of technologies and programming languages (some listed above).
After graduating in 2022, I relocated to Vancouver, Canada to work at Microsoft. I'm currently working on powering SharePoint Online's monetization features. I'm also working on a variety of side projects (more than I can count) and writing poetry and short fiction.
This website is a place where I share my thoughts, my work, and my passions. I hope you enjoy it!
in english, it would be simpler: lingua franca. it's our second language, but we can get by. the possibility of finding a wider, more international, group of people with similar interests. but something is lost, isn't it?
en español, se siente más local (tanto en familiaridad como en potencial (y real) conexión con quienes están alrededor), lo podemos usar con más destreza, podemos jugar.
Inspired by compudanzas, I strive to make this website a bilingual experience. I'm a native Spanish speaker, but nowadays I mostly live in English.
To stay true to this dualism, I've decided to make an effort to create this website's content in both languages. While not all content will be translated (for example, most of my poems will only see light in their original language), I want the majority of this website to be an accesible place for both Spanish and English speakers. Quizás esto sirva para unir dos esferas que, aunque no son tan diferentes, a veces parecen estar muy lejos.