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Port forwarding through SSH servers , tools Nice flag to remember when debugging internal applications on remote servers. I love building bots (and bot craftmanship) coding , bots , hobbies , fediverse Finding joy in automating simple tasks for fun (and no profit at all). Building a game out of spite coding Many times I've said to myself "I can build something better than this". This time, I actually did it. Getting a Kobo rekindled my passion for reading reading , books , kobo , kindle Some thoughts on ditching my Kindle, getting a Kobo and building my reading habits again, one page at a time. Block malicious user agents via nginx config nginx , coding , servers Bots are everywhere. But if they misbehave, you can put a stop at them by blocking their user agent via an nginx config change. Handle errors on custom Elementor Form Actions wordpress , elementor , coding Validate user input on your custom Elementor Forms Actions with error handling, with code samples. A fresh start site A placeholder site can only last so long...