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andrés ignacio torres

DnD Tools

A collection of simple Dungeons and Dragons tools built as a static web app on Svelte.

DnD Tools is a collection of simple tools for Dungeons and Dragons DMs and players, built as a web application using Svelte. You can access the app here: DnD Tools

This small app started as a quick tool I built to prepare for my first DnD campaign as a dungeon master, particularly to help prepare reference sheets that I could print to keep track of my players' spells and weapons.

After doing most of the work I decided to finish it up and host it on my personal server, just in case these tools are helpful for others.

Right now, the website has the following tools:

All the information for the printable sheets is pulled from the DnD 5e API.

I'm not sure how often I'll update this project, but it might be if / when I need more tools for my own campaigns.

You can access the source code here: aitorres/dndtools.